Fresh from their astonishing work out as the rude mechanicals in the Royal Shakespeare Company's countrywide production of Midsummer Night's Dream - Carnon Downs Drama Group continue their tradition of tackling contemporary drama and imaginatively revive David Hare's play "Amy's View" written in the late 90s which follows the falling fashions in, and relevance of the theatre (a subject that Hare's career at the NT staunched) the rise of TV, from the late 1970s to the mid 90s. A family thespian story set in suburban Pangbourne follows through the lives of Esme Allen ( characterfully played by Oriel Bennett) we discover as a traditional leading lady dismissive of her son-in-law Dominic Tyghe's (Dylan Frankland) populism as a TV personality and critic and where personal animosity to him muddies her relationship with daughter Amy Thomas (Zoe Vale). Traditional dismissive and snobby attitude to money lead Esme to the trauma of...