This is a highly dynamic physical theatre piece which is beautifully performed by a female company of 5 actor/dancers and two live musicians in a highly choreographed polemic set about the oppression of women in work. The landscape is the polluted, industrialised Mexico-US border lands where labour is cheap, and women are exploited and routinely subjugated by the system, the police and the capitalists. A group of adolescent children play as their mothers endure factory drudgery and 35 pesos a day breadline work. The ensemble work is both thrilling and engaging with set piece emotional body expression particularly powerful and probably on its own a compelling reason to seei this show. The live music is provided by percussionist Haruna Komatsu and singer/guitar strummer Shamira Turner who also embodies the fat cat hierarchy of boss, police officer, major and presidents. The lead is the convincing Milagros Tamsin Clarke - child of the streets and t...